Quality Management

LEOS circuits Limited are committed to providing high quality products, effective project management and outstanding customer service.

The PCB’s will be built to meet and exceed your specifications. LEOS circuits Limited operates a quality management system (QMS) to ensure that we deliver consistent high quality.

Health, Safety and Security

LEOS circuits Limited recognises the importance of health, safety and security - both during the project and afterwards.

The company’s health and safety policy sets out our commitment and outlines our approach to effective health and safety management. Our processes and procedures are designed not simply to meet legal requirements but to effectively deliver a healthy, safe and secure working environment for our employees and everyone else who might be affected by our work. Our circuit boards are manufactured to meet ISO9001 standards.


We recognise the contribution our employees make to the success of what we do. We are committed to offering our employees fair terms and conditions, ensuring they have the skills and qualifications they need, and providing opportunities for training and development.

LEOS circuits Limited are an equal opportunities employer.
As part of our broader commitment to equal opportunities, we ensure that our circuit boards are manufactured to be accessible and meet any relevant industry standards on accessibility.


LEOS circuits Limited understands the importance of sustainability - in design, delivery and in continuing operation. For example, this is reflected in how we:

Source sustainable materials and look for ethical suppliers
Work with the local community where appropriate
Manufacture energy-efficient circuit boards while minimising waste during production.

We have implemented an environmental management system accredited to ISO14001.
In particular, we ensure that the production of circuit boards meet the ISO14001 environmental standards.

Terms and conditions

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